Search Results: "tamil"
Subhash Ramesh Beat It! Drum Cover from Michael Jackson Thriller Album - Subhash Ramesh Beat It! D
Added 4,437 Views / 0 LikesSubhash Ramesh Beat It! Drum CoverI tried over the School Christmas Long weekend... at my Home Garage..6th GradeMission Valley Elementary SchoolFremont,
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Adithya Hrudhayam Slokam - A most effective daily prayer - The SUN - Adithya Hrudhayam Slokam - A mo
Added 5,093 Views / 0 LikesThis is a daily prayer. All must try to lead a peaceful life. In INDIA all pray the Nature first. Getting up early and praying the Sun God is a routine for most, also our salutations to Him who makes the day. This prayer is possibly the greatest one addre
Purusha Suktam - Slokam - A daily prayer - Purusha Suktam - Slokam - A daily prayer
Added 6,347 Views / 0 LikesPurusha is one of the Gods described in the Vedas and is often translated as male. But the word actually indicates Lord Vishnu, who is the God among the great trinity in charge of the care of the created beings.Purusha in this Suktham is described as a gi
Subhash-Devotional - Mangalaroopini - Mangalaroopini- tamil devotional song
Added 2,645 Views / 0 Likes'Mangala roopini'is a devotional tamil song popularly called 'Dhukka nivarana ashtakam', in praise of Goddess Kamakshi. It's good to recite this sloka daily at home to get the blessings of Goddess Kamakshi, and therby attain a happy life. 'Dukka Nivarana'
SriSarada Ramesh - Slokam Performance at Mercy Vihar
Added 2,368 Views / 0 Likessrisarada slokam at mercyvihar family Fun Day August 30 2009
Subhash Ramesh - Billie Jean Michael Jackson
Added 4,613 Views / 0 LikesBillie Jean (Thriller Album) -Drums Remix by subhash Ramesh, TRIBUTE to Michael Jackson
Subhash Ramesh - Drums Performance on Allegra Song from Kandasamy movie
Added 4,148 Views / 0 LikesSubhash Drums Perfomance at Mercy Vihar Famil fun day event on Aug 30 2009